Posts from December 2018

Why Kindness Matters  
The Dali llama has been quoted as saying 
"Kindness is my religion" 
Now although this is a beautiful statement by a very special man, I have to admit I was irritated when I read this quote. Not because of any other reason than it had always been my own mantra and I thought I had got there first ! Kindness was the only rule I had for my children (apart from drink lots of water ) and my own personal belief . 
So why was I annoyed ? and yes, I realise it wasn’t very kind of me or even sane to assume that he was plagiaristic ! It put a whole new meaning onto my own beliefs . Always think kind thoughts until someone annoys you !!! 
You see that’s the problem with kindness - its hard to keep going all the time . 
Anyway, I realised very quickly that the Dalai Lama had got to this kindness conclusion first and I have a sneeky suspicion now as I write this that I probably read his kindness quote somewhere and subliminally posted it into my mind as my own. The media is powerful for good and bad I suppose and his media is far greater than mine ! 
Just as well . 
