The light mind programme  
Reprogramming your subconscious mind for successful living  
I can help you change your thoughts and actions enabling you to move towards vibrant living  
For these programmes I use a combination of Hypnotherapy to help with motivation and habit control, Meditation and Mindfulness to achieve a calm and positive mindset and NLP to coach you into resilent thinking . 
This programme is unique in that I combine these methods that I have been succesfully using on myself and clients for over 10 years with my knowledge of natural health and modern science . 
Simply put not only have these methods worked on me they have worked on my clients  
You can change 
The programme is for 6 one hour weekly sessions and can be done alone or in groups  
the cost of the programme is £350 per person - (group discounts are available ) 
Who is it for ? 
The Light mind wellbeing programme is for anyone who may be ; 
Burnt out 
Lacking in health and vitalty 
Trapped in negative thinking 
Ready to find another way of thinking.  
The light mind is not a philosophy, it is not a religion or even a belief it is a serious of methods and techniques you can learn to change habits and lead a more authentic adventurous, healthy and rich life. The pillars of the light mind are a calm disposition, a positive way of thinking and a resilient nature. The light mind is not something to look for, it is not a destination- it is your innate way of being. It can be hidden and veiled by beliefs and thoughts and your minds perception of the environment you live in. The light mind illuminates these to get to the core of your values. 
The light mind has neuroplasticity - it can change 
You can change your beliefs your habits and your thoughts. 
It is about you making the changes through your efforts and your practises. 
The light mind programme offers you techniques, scientific principles, methods and ways to change your ways and to tap into your own intuition to find your own peace. 
The light mind is the awakened mind. It is the authentic mind. It is the joyful mind. 
It is you being consciously aware of you. 
When you are aware of who you are you can let in the lightness of being if you desire. 
After all the choice is yours and you can choose. 
The light mind knows it has choices, it is connected to your brain, your body and your intuition. It understands it's main purpose is to gather all evidence from your experiences, thoughts, senses and beliefs and tell you how to react to situations. With the help of the light mind programmes, It can gather information in a calm manner and understands any indescrepancies. 
It can find the truth. It knows how to talk to you, it is your best friend. 
I can help you find your own light mind and walk towards vibrant health, self healing and true peace and happiness. 
Your light mind is yours but it is not you. 
A calm mind means a calm body with measured, controlled emotions and reactions to all situations. It enhances health and wellbeing and is vital for a happy, productive successful life. 
This programme includes on meditation and mindfulness techniques as well as de stress methods.  
We all swing from positive to negative feelings and emotions and sometimes it is helpful to feel negative for short periods of time to propel us forward. However the problems arise when we become rooted in negative feelings and become imprisoned by our own negative thoughts . 
Humans have a negative set bias . This means we tend to look at what can go wrong rather than possibilities. 
This programme halps you look towards a positive vibrant future using belief change and reframing principles.  
The science of oligotherapy speculates that lack of meaning in life is a large factor in our unhappiness. The light mind beleives we all have a purpose and meaning and will help you find yours and show you ways to work towards it. 
Your purpose may change over time but when you live with your meaning of life as a pillar it creates enthusiasm , hope and energy and resilience. 
This faith in your lifes true calling keeps you going again and again against all odds and is the true way towards peace of mind. 
I hope to help you find yours 
Change and growth is what the light mind is about. 
So when you have discovered how to tap into your calm emotions and thoughts, when you have become positively biased and when you have found your resilence then its time to change your behaviours and life. Sometimes just becoming aware of the changes that are needed are enough to prompt these changes. Often you may need to have a structured plan to follow to help motivate you along your journey. 
The light mind self healing programme puts everything together so you can keep you moving if you desire change.  

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